morgan girvin
illustrator, maker and hermit

The 2 maps of 12th Century Ireland I got to illustrate for the novel
A3 / 0.05 Unipin Fineliner / November 2021
For Paul Duffy’s novel “Run with the Hare, Hunt with the Hound” I was asked to illustrate 2 maps of 12th Century Ireland. Paul is an archaeologist and has an absolute wealth of knowledge when it comes to Medieval Ireland, so it was an absolute treat to be able to rack his brain and learn about the country as it was so many years ago.
It was important to Paul to make sure everything was as accurate as it could be, and we had a lot of discussions about where things should be and just how developed the city of Dublin was during that time period. The maps sit at the start of the book, and hopefully help give a sense of geography to the reader if they are unfamiliar with where the novel takes place.
It’s also a fantastic read if you feel like treating yourself!